Marc Leishman

Representerar:  Australien
Nation: AUS
Pro/Am: Pro

Statistik år för år

ÅrAntal starterKlarade_kvalMissade_kvalSegrarTopp-10TotalscoreTotalt_ronderSnittscoreTotalt_par
2024220024757 67,8571428571429 -29
2023220015488 68,5 -20
20222316701521274 70,4324324324324 -70
20212118305517074 69,8648648648649 -118
20201913612458064 71,5625 36
20192318407541877 70,3636363636364 -64
20182724317655894 69,7659574468085 -128
20172622428644192 70,0108695652174 -97
20162419502579982 70,719512195122 -31
20152113813476768 70,1029411764706 -79
20142520507605486 70,3953488372093 -60
20132517804590983 71,1927710843374 15
20122420412626688 71,2045454545455 -8
201127171002618387 71,0689655172414 -16
20102718902644191 70,7802197802198 -29
200929191003671795 70,7052631578947 -31
20081710703371152 71,3653846153846 -23
200797202226132 70,65625 -31
20064220087712 73,0833333333333 17
2004110002964 74 12
2003110002904 72,5 2
2000101001592 79,5 13

Statistik för varje spelad tour och år

ÅrTourAntal starterKlarade_kvalSegrarTopp-10TotalscoreTotalt_ronderSnittscoreTotalt_par
2024DP World Tour22024757 67,8571428571429 -29
2023DP World Tour22015488 68,5 -20
2022Asian Tour11002794 69,75 -1
2022DP World Tour520071810 71,8 0
2022PGA Tour171301421560 70,25 -69
2021DP World Tour10001422 71 2
2021PGA Tour201805502872 69,8333333333333 -120
2020PGA Tour191312458064 71,5625 36
2019DP World Tour10001502 75 8
2019PGA Tour221807526875 70,24 -72
2018DP World Tour33015638 70,375 -9
2018PGA Tour242116599586 69,7093023255814 -119
2017DP World Tour22025508 68,75 -26
2017PGA Tour242026589184 70,1309523809524 -71
2016DP World Tour22005758 71,875 3
2016PGA Tour221702522474 70,5945945945946 -34
2015DP World Tour331281612 68 -48
2015PGA Tour181001395156 70,5535714285714 -31
2014DP World Tour22012764 69 -12
2014PGA Tour231806577882 70,4634146341463 -48
2013DP World Tour10001512 75,5 9
2013PGA Tour241704575881 71,0864197530864 6
2012DP World Tour21004206 70 -8
2012PGA Tour221912584682 71,2926829268293 0
2011DP World Tour11002904 72,5 6
2011PGA Tour261602589383 71 -22
2010DP World Tour11002944 73,5 6
2010PGA Tour261702614787 70,6551724137931 -35
2009DP World Tour11002924 73 4
2009PGA Tour281803642591 70,6043956043956 -35
2008DP World Tour21014256 70,8333333333333 -7
2008Korn Ferry Tour15902328646 71,4347826086957 -16
2007DP World Tour320072610 72,6 6
2007Korn Ferry Tour6502153522 69,7727272727273 -37
2006DP World Tour21004356 72,5 7
2006Korn Ferry Tour21004426 73,6666666666667 10
2004PGA Tour of Australasia11002964 74 12
2003PGA Tour of Australasia11002904 72,5 2
2000PGA Tour of Australasia10001592 79,5 13

(C) Svenska Golfförbundet och Golfdata AB